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With the New Year settling in, we just wanted to take the time to thank each and every one of our clients, family, and friends for an amazing year! We couldn't survive without you all! We thank you
for your business, cheerful smiles, and delicious treats you bring us! We love all of our clients like family and appreciate your dedication to our stores. Here is to a New Year, and new possibilities.
We look forward to your continued business this year. Don't forget, Valentine's Day is vastely approaching. Think about the earrings or pendant that match what you bought her for Christmas.
Thank you for shopping local, for shopping Reiniger's; Where the BEST gifts come in small packages.
Color of the Month-
Garnet signifies January's color of the month. Typically people recognize garnet as being a deep red hue. But did you know garnet comes in an array of colors?
Found primarily in Africa with a strong supply, garnets keep up with the jewelery trends year round even with the primary known color being red. Green, yellow, and orange are amoung the colors
popularly found in garnet, and blue being the only hue not found. Garnets are also found in India, Russia and Central and South America
Garnets have been known to Man for a long time. It is said that Noah used a garnet lantern to steer his ark. Also, garnets were found in early Greek, Egyptian, and Roman times.